
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Climate and soil requirements

The crop prefers a hot, dry climate with mean daily temperatures of 22 to 30°C. The crop is very sensitive to frost.

Maximum and minimum temperatures for growth are about 35 and 18°C respectively.

The optimum soil temperature for root growth is in the range of 20 to 35°C.
Melon seed do not germinate well in cold soil.

Fruits grown under hot, dry conditions have a high sugar content of 11 percent in comparison to 8 percent under cool, humid conditions.

The length of the total growing period ranges from 80 to 110 days; depending on variety and climate (Temperatures above 35°C or below 18°C will slow the growth and maturation of the crop).


Watermelons grow best on soils that hold water well and have good air and water infiltration rates. Soil should have a pH of 6 to 7. Apply lime if soil pH is too low.

It is more tolerant than muskmelon to medium salt concentration with EC(e) values (EC(e)x1000) ranging from 10 to 4.

Fine sands produce the highest quality melons when adequate fertilizer and water are provided. Cultivation in heavy textured soils results in a slower crop development and cracked fruits.

To show a profit, a grower must produce good yields of high-quality melons. High yields of quality melons can be obtained only with careful management.

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